Пятница, 07.02.2025, 14:54 | Главная | Регистрация | Вход |
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Главная » Файлы » Справочная система по матбиологии и биоинформатике |
В разделе материалов: 60 Показано материалов: 1-10 |
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Data analysis in community and landscape ecology / Jongman R.H.G., ter Braak C.J.F., van Tongeren O.F.R. - Cambridge: Cambridge Press, 2007. - 299 p.
Legendre P., Legendre L. Numerical ecology. 3 ed. – Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2012. – 992 p.
(на сайте есть второе издание от 1998 года) |
Sepkovski J.J. Quantified coefficients of association and measurement of similarity // J. Int. Ass. Math., 1974. V.6. №2. P. 135-152. |
Pianka E.R. The structure of lizard communities // Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 1973. №4. P. 53-74. |
Cheetam A.H., Hazel J.E. Binary (presence-absence) similarity coefficients // J. Paleontology, 1969. V.43. №5. P. 1130-1136. |
Peters J.A. A computer program for calculating degree of biogeographical resemblance between areas // Syst. Zoology, 1968. V.17. №1. P. 64-69. |
Mello J.F., Buzas M.A. An application of cluster analysis as a method of determining biofacies // Jour. Paleont., 1968. V.42. №3. P. 747-758. |
Češka A. Estimation of the mean floristic similarity between and within sets of vegetational releves // Folia geobot. phytotax., 1966. V.1. №2 (1-92). P. 93-100. |
Savage J.M. Evolution of a peninsular herpetofauna // Syst. Zoology. 1960. V.9. P. 184-212. |
Simpson G.G. Holarctic mammalian faunas and continental relationship during the Cenozoic // Bull. Geol. Sci. America, 1947. V.58. P. 613-688. |
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